Happy Tuesday! :) This is my last week working at my dad's company. I take the GMAT March 9 and need to study so much. I have been taking prep classes and they have definitely been helping but my score is still not close to what I want it to be. Even though the school I am applying to for my MBA does not require a super high score, I still want to do my best and see how high I can get.
I can't believe I am actually moving to Mexico City - it's insane!
Well this weekend was actually really fun! On friday, I went to workout with my trainer after work and then I had some dinner at home and drank some wine while watching my DVR'd shows which are basically all Food Network cooking shows or What Not to Wear lol! Saturday I woke up early and hit the gym again for some cardio. After, I went to eat with my sister and cousins, Karen and Karla, at Luciano's and had a delicious meal as always. Then I took my cousins to Mall of GA to get Yogen Fruz - which is basically the same as pinkberry - so good! That night I went out to dinner with my friends Stacy and Teresa to Parkers on Ponce - had never been there before but it was awesome!
After dinner, we went out to the highlands and had so much fun! And we ran into some friends from high school too so it was like a mini-reunion! Very fun. The hangover the next morning was not though :(
me and stacy!

stacy, me and teresa

stair picture

me with my new phone cover!

don't remember taking this picture or who the guy is that I am hugging.. LOL

and finally our dog coco was able to come home from the vet after being quarantined there because she bit the fed ex man :(
Simba was so happy to see her and we are all so happy to have her back home and that animal control didn't take her away from us!
Simba and Coco reunited!

and to treat myself... I ordered this.. that's 1 down.. many to go from my spring wish list, haha


Cute outfit Pam!